Stanley has been away for quite some time now, kept in a dark corner of our storage room. Its time we bring him out for a bit of fresh air, and some bolt and metal cutting action!
This is AluLock. It is used in various industries and applications, namely shipping containers, valves in petrochemical industries, and plastic box and cases. This variable length high security barrier seal comes with various sizes. The smallest of them all, sized at Ø1.5mm, requires smaller cutter tools, as compared to its bigger (and badder) brother, the AluLock 5.0mm. With a shear strength of more than 900 kg-f, the AluLock 5.0 requires bigger bolt cutters (like Stanley) to be removed.
AluLock 5.0
Lets start it off easy for Stanley, against the AluLock 1.5, and AluLock 3.5.
Like a knife through butter.
Its not as easy as it looks.
But the real challenge lies ahead. This is the EinLock 8.0. A high security bolt seal, the EinLock's barrel is made of high quality ABS material to withstand impact, giving its shear strength of more than 1000kg-f! It is typically used in shipping industries, sealing cargo containers, and trucks.
When EinLock meets Stanley.
Except for the AluLock 1.5 and 3.5, most of ABRIC's barrier seals require cutting tools such as Stanley to remove. This provides great security for cargo and containers which are being held and stored and exposed to theft at a location for long periods of time, capable of withstanding harsh climatic and environmental conditions. A perfect solution for many shipping, and oil and gas industries.