Monday, March 1, 2010

TwinLock – “Security simplified."

In a major construction project, there are typically multiple deliveries of concrete every day.  Even in a good economy, theft is an  issue.  This problem has become more acute in this economic down turn.  In an effort to monitor deliveries and reduce theft, Titan America is now utilizing ABRIC’s “TwinLock”, a plastic truck seal with sequential numbers on each seal.  This enables Titan America to track deliveries and has reduced theft.

The TwinLock is one of a few ABRIC’s pioneering seals. This seal has a fixed loop design with the length 200mm (7.83 inches). It is equipped with a patented double locking mechanism and ribbed locking head, giving the seal’s superior design an enhanced level of security. Made out of polypropylene, this seal has a tensile strength of 15kgf (33lbs).

Benefits of TwinLock:
· Allow movements of the door locking mechanism without applying strain on the seal
· Enhanced level of security
· User friendly, easy removal

Widely used to seal containers, vehicle doors, and tankers, the TwinLock’s patented double locking mechanism & ribbed locking head is more secure with the special acetal locking jaws. With its fixed length, the TwinLock allows movements on the door of the container, without applying strain on the seal or breaking the seal. Easily removed on its pre-determined break point without requiring any removal tools, it has proven to be a successful and widely accepted fixed length tamper evident seal by many companies.

-Written by Jennie Hunter, VP Sales, ABRIC North America

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